Carrie: Yeah, of course it's a good deal. It's haunted with cheating boyfriends.
Samantha: We could always burn sage.
Carrie: The Hampton's Jitney is just like the bus to summer camp. Only instead of singing songs, everyone ignores each other and talks on their cell phones.
Charlotte: ...if he asks, he thinks I'm 27.
Carrie (voiceover): Evidently while we had taken the midtown tunnel, Charlotte had taken the time tunnel.
Miranda: "Natasha"? When did you stop calling her "the idiot stick figure with no soul"?
Carrie: An hour later I had solved the unsolvable friendship equation. It seems the answer is this: cosmopolitans plus scotch equals friendship with an ex.
Carrie: Your curl is lovely, Hubble.
Mr. Big: I don't get it.
Carrie: And you never did.
Charlotte: I've been dating since I was fifteen! I'm exhausted! Where is he?
Miranda: Who, the White Knight?
Samantha: That only happens in fairy tales.
Charlotte: My hair hurts.
Carrie: I lost my Choo!
Carrie: On me?
Miranda: In your kitchen.
Carrie: Are you kidding me? I use my oven for storage.
Carrie: I've talked to her twice. Once I was in a cowboy hat and once I was in my bra. I'm like frickin' Annie Get Your Clothes On.
Carrie: And here I thought it was Pokemon.
Sean, who's ice skating with Carrie: I'm guessing it's easier to balance when you're not smoking.
Carrie: Smoking is the only thing that keeps me balanced.
Carrie: I'm not even sure bisexuality exists. I think it's just a layover on the way to gaytown.
Miranda: Isn't that next to Ricky Martin-ville?
Carrie: Sweetie, a reminder: Samantha is rude and politically incorrect.
Miranda: She's an equal opportunity offender.
Samantha: Adeena, I'm a lovely woman. At least get to know me, then hate me.
Samantha: Oh please, if you're a whore, what does that make me?
Aidan: From a writer, I'm pretty sure that's an insult.
Miranda: Steve is completely predictable but that's one of the things I love about him. He's just so comfortable and safe.
Carrie: Are you dating a man or a minivan?
Samantha: From my experience, honey, if he seems too good to be true, he probably is.
Miranda: I just don't get it. Why do men get skidmarks? Is it laziness or are they just in a rush?
Carrie: I don't know, but whatever it is it goes hand in hand with urinating on the seat.
Miranda: I tell you one thing: when your boyfriend is so comfortable he can't be bothered to wipe his ass, that's the end of romance right there.
Charlotte: You kept all of your great single friends away from me just so you could cheat on your wife? (Slaps him.) You should be ashamed of yourself!
Guy: You're such a spark plug! I love that about you!
Charlotte: I am not interested in starting some married man's car!
Miranda: It's not like owning a foosball table, Steve.
Mr. Big: Hey, have you got a light?
Carrie: I quit.
Mr. Big: Aw, we always used to share a cigarette together.
Carrie: We did a lot of things that were bad for me together.
Samantha: Well, let's just say it: you won.
Carrie: Was there a contest?
Samantha: Oh please! There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "who will die miserable."
Charlotte: Trey is this close to proposing, I can feel it.
Carrie: Oh my god, really?
Miranda: You just met! I've had pairs of pantyhose longer!
Aidan: Don't take this the wrong way but this place could use a little work.
Carrie: I know, but I can't afford it.
Aidan: You've got eight thousand bucks' worth of shoes over there.
Carrie: I needed those!
Charlotte: I proposed to myself!
Carrie: What?
Charlotte: Yes. I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married.
Carrie: Wait. What exactly did he say?
Charlotte: Alrighty!
Carrie: Alrighty? He said alrighty? Now I'm thinking the upsetting thing isn't that you proposed, it's that you proposed to a guy that says "alrighty."
Charlotte: Oh, Carrie, stop!
Carrie: Alrighty.
Carrie: Our affair, like our hotels, had gone from elegant with crystal to seedy with plastic cups.
Carrie: You've heard those stories about affairs where people realize how great their other relationship is and end it without anyone being the wiser.
Miranda: I don't watch Lifetime television for women.
Carrie: It was a typical downtown male mix. Ten percent Wall Street, ten percent real estate, and ten percent [Samantha had] already slept with.
Miranda, looking at a bride magazine: Ooh! Cute purse!
Charlotte: No purses! There's no time for purses! This is gown-specific!
Miranda: What's your theme again? A Nazi wedding?
Samantha: What if I have it?
Carrie: You don't have it.
Samantha: Sometimes it takes me a really long time to get over a cold.
Carrie: That's not AIDS, it's central air conditioning.
Carrie: Charlotte was thrilled. Anthony was like the pushy Italian mother she never had.
Carrie: We're so over, we need a new word for over.
Miranda: It's your day. You get a day. Not a week.
Charlotte (whispering): Could you please not use the F-word in Vera Wang?
Miranda: We still can't believe you went on your honeymoon without us!
Charlotte: So how are you?
Carrie: I'm good. How are you?
Charlotte: Great.
Carrie: I told Aidan about the affair and he broke up with me.
Charlotte: Trey and I never had sex on our honeymoon.
Carrie: You win. So. Should we get more coffee or should we get two guns and kill ourselves?
Miranda: Why didn't you just get an automatic?
Carrie: I love this car! It goes with my outfit.
Carrie: I have an addiction, sir!
Hugh Hefner: A slow one, yes.
Miranda: Maybe it's time that I stop being so angry.
Carrie: Yeah, but what would you do with all your free time?
Miranda, to Samantha, who's offered to take Charlotte to a Playboy Mansion party: Why would that cheer her up? Does she look like a 22-year-old frat boy?
Samantha: That bunny's got my bag!
Carrie: Ooh, with the bracelets and the tiara. I used to love that even her accessories had superpowers.
Carrie: I'm scootin' in heels!
Carrie: So are you saying there's no way you'd go out with a guy who lived with his family?
Samantha: Well... maybe Prince William.
Samantha: Are you in pain? I'm in pain just looking at you.
Miranda: I'm a 34-year-old woman with braces and I'm on a liquid diet. Pain doesn't begin to cover it.
Carrie: In the end I decided I was definitely 34 going on 35, but in a city like New York, with its pace and its pressures, sometimes it's important to have a 13-year-old moment. To remember a simpler time when the best thing in life was just hanging out, listening to records and having fun with your friends. In your very own apartment.
Charlotte: Oh my god.
Samantha: Well, at least you weren't stood up.
Miranda: 35 and they're dying! We should just give up now.
Carrie: Well, on the bright side this could explain why they don't call back.
Charlotte: How did he...
Miranda: Heart attack. At the gym.
Carrie: See? This is why I don't work out.
Miranda: Ahh, we're at my date's wake, so, yes.
Carrie: Awww, wow, he's cute!
Miranda: Was. Damn.
Miranda, at her date's post-wake party: He set money aside for this.
Carrie: That's nice. "I'm dead, you're not, enjoy the buffet!"
Carrie: Way out. New Jersey out.
Carrie: Yeah, and I thought those fifty-seven menus I get every day from Hunan Munan were annoying.
Carrie: I'd like to think that people have more than one soulmate.
Samantha: I agree! I've had hundreds.
Carrie: Yeah! And you know what, if you miss one, along comes another one. Like cabs.
Carrie: If two people only have one thought between them, something is very wrong.
Carrie: I'm thirty-five.
Samantha: Oh, shut up, I'm a hundred and forty.
Carrie: You win men over with your personality?
Lynn Cameron (fashion show producer), to Carrie: You're doing my show if I have to hunt you down, skin you alive and have one of the other models wear you.
Stanford: Ooh! Gucci and Dolce and Dior!
Carrie: Oh my!
Stanford: Oh my god! She's fashion roadkill!
Miranda, to Carrie's answering machine: Your good friend Miranda has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage and eaten it. You will probably need this information when you check me into the Betty Crocker Clinic.
Trey: Of course! Mother does all our houses.
Charlotte: I should have known. The plaid, and the mallards...
Trey: You don't like them?
Charlotte: No! It's like we live in the Museum of Natural Ugliness!
Carrie: Good.
Samantha: What the hell is a diaper genie?
Carrie: I don't know... someone you hire to change a kid's diaper?
Carrie: I don't believe in e-mail. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up.
Miranda: This is like sex for the boneless!
Samantha: See, that's what I love about this guy, Nick, I'm seeing.
Miranda: He's de-boned?
Charlotte: You exchanged keys? That's big!
Carrie: No, that's the opposite of Big.
Carrie: Philadelpha. Just a hop, skip, a cab, a metroliner and another cab away.
Charlotte: Those flowers were supposed to say "We're so sorry, we love you," not "You're dead, let's disco"!
Charlotte: Then I guess we'll just have to have sex at your mother's.
Trey: People having sex in Connecticut? There's a first time for everything.
Carrie: You can't be friends with a squirrel! A squirrel is just a rat in a cuter outfit.
Carrie: Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger, please, large fries and a cosmopolitan.
Samantha: Who's the farmer with the dells?
Carrie: Young MacDonald?
Samantha: Oooh! E-I-E-I-O!
Carrie: What's he doing out here?
Samantha: Pushups, by the look of it.
Carrie: The only thing that I have ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several little fires.
Samantha: These [fast food apple pies] are surprisingly delicious!
Carrie: I konw! Why would anybody go to the trouble of making one when you can buy one that is so perfect and individually sized?
Carrie: Miranda, they come in a set. Like earrings.
Carrie: I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Charlotte: We're having Trey's sperm tested.
Miranda: Is it not doing well in school?
Miranda: Men, wait, let me rephrase that, some men...
Carrie: Good move, counselor. That will look much better on the court transcripts of this dinner.
Aidan: Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No... it's not like a sweater.
Samantha on the Hermes Birken bag: Oh honey, it's not so much the style, it's what carrying it means!
Carrie: It means you're out four thousand bucks.
Carrie: I made him swear on Chanel.
Miranda: Well, as long as he took the oath of fabric!
Samantha: If it's so hard to get pregnant, how do you account for the number of crying children on planes?
Episode: Just Say Yes
Miranda: If there were unlimited apartments in Manhattan, we'd all be single forever.
Charlotte: We're not barren, we're reproductively challenged!
Carrie: I used to think those people who sat alone at Starbucks writing on their laptops were pretentious posers. Now I know: They are people who have recently moved in wtih someone.
Anthony: No, but I'm hoping we will be around 3:30 [am].
Charlotte: I can't believe you took ecstasy from a stranger!
Samantha: It's not a stranger, it was a friend of my friend Bobby's friend Bobby.
Miranda: Oh, well then we know it's safe. Will we be going to a rave later?
Stanford: I saw the way you were behaving. You're sleeping with the beautiful man!
Carrie: The beautiful man is gay.
Stanford: Damn! An accent always throws me.
Charlotte: Aaah! It's gay porn!!
Miranda: What was your first clue?
Charlotte: You said we were watching an independent film! I brought biscotti!
Carrie: You know what they say: If it ain't broke...
Samantha: Don't marry it.
Miranda: It's amazing. In a courtroom, reasonable doubt can get you off for murder. In an engagement, it makes you feel like a bad person.
Carrie: I'm homeless! I'll be a bag lady! A Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady!!
Miranda: "Best" is the worst.
Samantha: "Best" is like saying "not love."
Woman on the street, to Carrie: Why do you have to take the bus if you're on the bus?
Carrie: I've spent ,000 on shoes and I have noplace to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!
Carrie: And those trix ain't for kids!
Samantha: Sex with an ex can be depressing. If it's good, you don't have it anymore. If it's bad, you just had sex with an ex.
Charlotte: Miranda has a son!
Samantha: Just what the world needs: another man.
Carrie: Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.
Miranda: What magazine? Convenient Theories For You Monthly?
Carrie: It's over for me. Here lies Carrie. She had two loves and lots 'o' shoes.
Samantha: I can't even be around that man. He's dangerous and toxic.
Carrie: So he's manthrax?
Samantha: My friends don't believe you.
Richard: Am I dating your friends?
Samantha: With your track record I wouldn't put it past you.
Miranda: He has to get baptized and wear a dress.
Carrie: Baby's first drag show!
Carrie: So you're a pessimist, right?
Miranda: Have we met?
Miranda: Today's the babynurse's last day. From now on you'll have to book me a year in advance.
Carrie: Wow, you're like Nobu.
Carrie: Do I judge?
Stanford: We all judge. That's our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts; we judge.
Samantha: But not too early. I hate it when men do that. "I have a girlfriend." Calm down, I just asked if that seat was taken!
Miranda: I didn't tell Walker I had a baby.
Charlotte: How could you not mention it?
Miranda: It didn't come up! If Walker had asked me directly, "have you given birth recently," I would've said... first of all, define "recently."
Enid: That's the key to having it all: stop expecting it to look like what you thought it was going to look like. It's true of the fall lines, and it's true of relationships.
Stanford: I don't want to seem like a nobody now that I have a somebody.
Carrie: Oh, so it's okay to be a nobody when you have nobody?
Stanford: Well, apparently you're nobody until somebody loves you.
Miranda: This thirteen pound meatloaf is pushing me over the edge!
Carrie: Damn! Why is that girl still bothering me?
Samantha: Honey, you have to let it go. If I worried what every bitch in New York was saying about me, I'd never leave the house.
Charlotte: How'd you do it?
Miranda: Well, I got pregnant, became a single mother, and stopped having any time to eat.
Samantha: Oh, that's a diet I won't be trying.
Charlotte: I just feel kind of silly that I made such a big fuss about my ring earlier.
Samantha: Oh, honey, a diamond that big deserves a parade!
Stanford: Maybe you should quit while you're a... live?
Carrie: I tried the trapeze yesterday for that piece that I'm writing.
Charlotte: I could never! I have the most terrible fear of heights.
Carrie: Well, I do not. You've seen my shoes.
Miranda: He was funny. And cute.
Carrie: Yeah, and in town for a week! What's the point?
Samantha: That IS the point! It's the best possible scenario, because you know he's leaving.
Carrie: But it's like whatever happens, there's an expiration date. It's expiration dating.
Anthony: I want nothing but lilies on the huppah. The theme is yentil chic!
Charlotte, wearing her wedding dress: Is it okay?
Anthony: Okay? You're Audrey Hepburn...owitz!
Samantha: Listen, when you're on location, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Smith: What's that rule out?
Samantha: Mmmm, there are things. Karaoke, I don't do that.
Carrie, about Steve's new girlfriend: Well, did you see her?
Miranda: Just her shoes and her nails.
Carrie: And?
Miranda: Both acrylic.
Carrie: I loved Marlo Thomas! I played that album all through the fifth grade. I wanted to run as fast as the wind.
Stanford: I played "William Wants A Doll" so many times I almost turned my little sister into a gay man!
Carrie, after being told to take off her shoes: But... this is an outfit!
Samantha: I'm so sick of these people with their children. I'm telling you, they're everywhere! Sitting next to me in first class, eating at the next table at John Schu— [A child runs by.] Look at that. This place is for double cappuccinos, NOT double strollers. [Glances at Miranda.] I'm sorry.
Miranda: Hey, no need to apologize. I wouldn't bring Brady here. Mommy needs two hands to eat her eight-dollar cake!
Charlotte: You're not going to defend children?
Miranda: No, I don't like any children but my own.
Carrie: She's become this whole other person. It's like she's had two caesarians and a lobotomy.
Carrie: And how are [your chicken pox] today?
Miranda: Biblical. There's literally a pox on my house.
Dr. Leeds: Now, do you sing to him?
Miranda: Only if he's been bad.
Charlotte: You're marrying him!
Carrie: Will you stop? He doesn't even live in New York, he lives in Denver.
Charlotte: People move! It would be so romantic.
Carrie: Or tragic. Seriously. If I had the guy in high school, what have I been doing for the last twenty years?
Stanford: God, I hate him. Come on, we're going over there.
Marcus: Why?
Stanford: Because you're in a tank top.
Charlotte: Did I ever tell you I was a cheerleader?
Miranda: No, because you knew I would mock you endlessly.
Big: Where do you think this cattle comes from, a ranch on Canal Street?
[Carrie is crying in a restaurant.]
Big: She's fine. Can you bring some extra napkins... and some violins?
Charlotte: Big is in town?
Carrie: Yeah, he's here for a little heart thing.
Miranda: What, is he on the list to get one?
Samantha: He did something to me that was so perverse! Okay, I'm just going to say it. He tried to hold my hand.
Carrie: You mean to tell me that Smith is a hand-holder? And to think he once served us food.
Carrie: Honey, if it hurts so much, why are we going shopping?
Samantha: I have a broken toe, not a broken spirit.
Big: So I guess this is what we'd be like in our 70's. No sex and board games.
Carrie: Aww, you're already thinking about your next birthday?
Aleksandr: You don't think it's significant?
Carrie: Oh please! There are depressed women all over New York doing the exact same thing as her and not calling it art. I mean, if you put a phone up on that platform, it's just a typical Friday night waiting for some guy to call.
Charlotte, testing fragrances: Maybe cucumber basil?
Samantha: Why would you want to smell like a salad?
Charlotte: How about pomegranate patchouli?
Carrie: No, you need something classic, clean.
Miranda: With just a hint of neuroses.
Anthony: Can we please talk about something else? I'll give you a hundred dollars if you say something bitchy about someone we know.
Charlotte: Imagine, being blind and not being able to see a beautiful day like today. Can you think of anything worse?
Anthony: Stonewashed jeans and a matching jacket.
Carrie: Yes, and I live in New York City circa now. I think it's romantic when someone offers me a seat on the subway.
Carrie: You know that song he wrote for me?
Miranda: Yeah. Ick.
Carrie: Well, it had a name. La Femme Avec Le Yeux Lumineuse.
Charlotte: The Girl With The Eyes That Sparkle?
Samantha: What's French for ick?
Miranda: Eek!
Samantha: I had a cold, hard dose of reality. From this! Look!
Charlotte: You're in In Touch magazine?
Carrie: And that's your dose of reality?
Charlotte: I can't believe you would actually consider having a boob job.
Miranda: I can't believe you went to Planet Hollywood.
Carrie: How about I read you a little bit of my favorite poetry?
Aleksandr: Please.
Carrie: [Reads from Vogue] "Cocktails at Tiffanys calls for classic charm. Oscar de la Renta sleeveless silk full skirted dress with black patent leather bow belt." Now that is pure poetry.
Carrie: So yesterday, the Russian read me a Russian poem. But, you know, in English.
Miranda: Are you just making this stuff up now?
Carrie: No. And this might sound crazy but I don't think it's an act. I think he actually means it.
Miranda: That doesn't make it okay! Has he considered your feelings?
Aleksandr: Are you okay?
Carrie: No! I'm an American. You gotta take it down a notch.
Miranda on Magda: She's made plans! She's going to Nannypalooza or something.
Charlotte on Brady: I'll take him! I'd love to take him! He's adorable.
Miranda: It's four days. Adorable stops after a day and a half.
Charlotte: Is it safe? Are there stairs? What about sharp edges?
Carrie: Charlotte, it's a death trap. We're just going to strap a pillow around the kid and hope for the best.
Carrie: Brady knocked the vase over.
Aleksandr: That's pathetic, blaming the baby.
Charlotte: Why should you give up having a baby for a man you hardly know?
Carrie: Why should I give up a man for a baby I hardly know I want?
Miranda: I'm in the woods in my negligee and my cell phone only has two bars left. HELP!
Miranda: Last night Steve and I held hands for an hour and a half watching... the fire. He was looking into my eyes; I was looking for the remote.
Carrie: Small and artless?
Aleksandr: No, warm and lovely.
Aleksandr: It was a rodent. You don't want this in your house.
Carrie: Well, maybe he was just crossing through to get to the much nicer apartment next door.
Carrie: At least it didn't happen in a room I actually use, like my closet.
Miranda: Samantha, I have to say, you are amazing.
Samantha: I am. And if you love me in chemo, wait till you see me at Smith's movie premiere. I'm getting a hot dress, fantastic shoes... I'm going to kick cancer and that red carpet's ass!
Cab driver: Where to?
Miranda: Um, Brooklyn, please.
Cab driver: I don't go to Brooklyn.
Miranda: Yeah, neither do I.
Carrie: Is this who I'm seeing—a man who kills mice and optimism?
Wig store clerk: Would you like natural hair or acrylic?
Samantha: Sweetheart, does it look like I do acrylic?
Samantha: What if it comes back? I could die, Carrie. With really bad hair.
Samantha: Maybe I should just shave it all off.
Carrie: Yeah, you could be one of those fantastic bald women who's all about earrings.
Samantha: I'd better not look like Kojak.
Miranda: Oh my God... I'm married.
Carrie: Samantha is my friend. She's my family. My insides. She will be fine because she has to be fine. That's how important she is to me.
Charlotte: It's just a subway ride away.
Carrie: A subway that goes underwater! That's not normal!
Miranda: Why do I think living in Manhattan is so fantastic?
Carrie: Because it is.
Carrie: It would be childish of us to deny that our lives weren't changing. But for this night, none of us were going anywhere. That's the thing about really good friends and a really great Manhattan.
Anthony: That is the fourth person to stop and gush. I swear that dog's getting cruised more than me, and we're on the corner of gay and gay.
Miranda: I had to walk all the way from the subway in these heels. My feet are killing me.
Steve: Why didn't you just carry them and wear sneakers like everyone else?
Miranda: Stop. You can take me out of Manhattan but you can't take me out of my shoes.
Stanford: Let's say hello [to Smith].
Marcus: I'm nervous. He's so incredibly hot in that Gus VanSant movie.
Stanford: Oh! But can he pull off a fuscia Oswald Botang shirt?
Samantha: Well, I decided to turn a little hair loss into a lot of hair gain.
Stanford: Oh, you're gettin' wiggy with it!
Charlotte: Smith is not gay.
Miranda: Of course not!
Charlotte: So this makes you his beard.
Samantha: I'm a beard in a wig.
Miranda: I don't talk to Steve about my work.
Carrie: And he doesn't mind?
Miranda: I think he prefers it that way.
Carrie: But you guys share everything else.
Miranda: Because we're in Brooklyn. There's no one else to talk to!
Samantha: Everyone's talking about me! In the blink of a tabloid I went from Demi to Liza.
Carrie: Oh, you are a good friend. All the way from Brooklyn to see a bunch of dogs run in a circle.
Miranda: She came to watch my baby get baptized, I came to watch her baby get judged.
Smith: Are you sure you want to do this?
Samantha: It worked for Paris Hilton. I need to set the record straight—literally!
Miranda: Elizabeth Taylor got gang-banged in the park?
Samantha: Oh god, that's so 80's!
Aleksandr: Is this really how one finds love?
Carrie: No, it's just what we do to distract ourselves until the real thing comes along.
Charlotte, about Elizabeth Taylor: She's getting a little fat.
Pet store clerk: Oh, she's not fat.
Charlotte: You're right, that's an ugly term. She's... full figured.
Samantha: We're not going to encourage you to cross an ocean. We're selfish bitches who like you in New York!
Carrie: Maybe I can't leave New York. I don't know how I'd do someplace else.
Samantha: Believe me, your fabulousness would translate.
Carrie: He's very sweet. And smart!
Enid: He's a Hobbit!
Samantha: This funeral is better than fashion week!
Charlotte: I didn't know Lexi had so many friends.
Carrie: Well, she wasn't always so tragic. Remember the 80's? She was the it girl.
Samantha: I thought I was the it girl.
Miranda: Well, it's your word against a dead girl's, so—you win!
Episode: An American Girl In Paris (Part Une)
Carrie: No, no, no, I can't be drunk on the plane. I want to arrive stunning and impossibly fresh looking.
Carrie: Today I had a thought. What if I... what if I had never met you?
Carrie: I fell. I fell in Dior. So I decided that the more I purchased the less they'd think of me as the American who fell in Dior.
Aleksandr: They don't think like that.
Carrie: Well, not anymore they don't. This is the shopping equivalent of a lobotomy.
Big: You're the loves of her life and a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.
Anthony: Well, if it does, I know some gays who got a Guatemalan kid for like a hundred bucks.
Carrie: I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love. And I don't think that love is here in this expensive suite in this lovely hotel in Paris.
Big: It took me a really long time to get here, but I'm here. Carrie, you're the one.
Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.